DAP-without text sign below
DAP without text sign above
h Lazzaro
h without text
CCI - Lazzaro
CCI - Barbiano Less Space
CCI - Barbiano More Space

FLAGS by VALFRUTTA New Sets (between 1998 - 2004)

Complete Sets: 174 Flags, 26 Letters, 10 Numbers,
5 mathematic symbols, 1 Valfrutta logo cap,

The caps are produced by 4 different factorys ("S","DAP", "h", "CCI")
- from "DAP" gives 2 different towns (S.Lazzaro di Savena + Barbiano Cotignola)
and 2x without text on the side(sign above and sign below) from 2003 + 2004.
- from "h" gives 1 set with text and 1 set without text on the side
- from "CCI" 3 difference (2 towns S.Lazzaro di Savena + Barbiano Cotignola and
from Barbiano Cotignola more and less space between the factory and text)
So I think that it gives 10 complete sets. Very difficult to sort.

FACTORY "CCI - produce in the town Barbiano Cotignola with less space between the factory and text"

Flags (I miss 156 caps) and all other caps.

Letters (I miss 25 caps)

Numbers (I miss 9 caps)

Mathematic Symbols (I miss 4 caps)

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